Health Facts About Female Orgasms

Studies show that women who masturbate regularly know their bodies much better than those women who do not. This means that those women are better able to know if something is wrong or amiss with their bodies or their vaginas. These women, then, are able to spot the early stages of vaginal cancer, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexually transmitted infections much more quickly than those who do not masturbate. When these kinds of issues are caught early on, they do not usually cause complications and are generally much easier to successfully clear up or heal. Women who are more familiar with their vaginas may also have an easier time achieving pregnancy, since they know, from experience, when their vaginas are at their most fertile. Other health benefits for those who regularly achieve female clitoral orgasms include increased resistance to yeast infections, easing of menstrual cramps and other menstrual problems, increased blow flow to the pelvic region, relief of back pain, and increased threshold for pain. Those who regularly achieve female clitoris orgasms also get better sleep, have better sex, reduce their stress levels, and have better moods due to the increased release of endorphins. These health benefits cannot be found so naturally and in such abundance through any other activity.

Female orgasms are beneficial to a woman's health in many ways, but they also can be the cause of frustration and feelings of inadequacy. Women should be educated on the health benefits of orgasms, as well as how to have a healthy attitude towards sex and intimacy to improve the ability to achieve one.


  1. Having an orgasm is not the only way to enjoy sex, but a woman's ability to have one can be very healthy for her and her inability to have one can cause much frustration. Therefore, it is important to not only examine the benefits, but to discuss the relevance of sexual dysfunction and ways to correct it. Many misconceptions have also arisen concerning female orgasms, because they are more elusive than male ejaculation. These falsities should be proven wrong to foster a better understanding of female sexuality.
  2. Benefits

  3. There are many benefits for women who experience orgasms on a regular basis. Regularly reaching climax can help reduce stress by the release of "feel good" hormones called endorphins which relax the parts of the brain that cause fear and anxiety. Orgasms help lose weight by releasing phenetylamine (a chemical that is known to curb appetite) and seratonin, which has a calming effect on cravings for junk food. They can reverse aging by increasing the level of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) in the body which is known to improve brain function, fat metabolism, the immune system, and the cardiovascular system, as well as promote healthy skin.
    Orgasms have been linked to boosting the immune system. Those who engage in regular sexual activity have been found to have one third higher levels of immunoglobin A, an antibody that assists the immune system in fighting infection such as colds and the flu
    In contrast and as previously discussed, the inability to reach orgasm causes distress and has its own set of health issues associated with it.
  4. Effects

  5. Although the benefits of orgasms are valuable, the effects of a woman's inability to climax during sexual activity can be pervasive and debilitating. Often a woman feels there is something wrong with her, or feels frustration that she can come close to climax and never actually reach it. The reasons for this form of sexual dysfunction range from medical to emotional issues, and often can be corrected. An OB/GYN can offer suggestions for physical issues such as pain during intercourse that hinders enjoyment. When a woman's attitude towards sex is negative or she has suffered from abuse or rape, psychotherapy can be helpful in changing her view of sex so she can allow herself to enjoy it. However, sex can still be pleasurable without achieving an orgasm, with both partners enjoying the closeness, bonding and physical stimulation involved. For women who still wish to achieve orgasm, but struggle with it for no obvious medical or emotional reason, there are ways they can explore methods of stimulation to help them reach climax.
  6. Misconceptions

  7. For many years, women did not fully understand their bodies and their ability to have an orgasm. In fact, some of the misconceptions surrounding female orgasms still exist today. This can cause many women to suffer from sexual dysfunction without feeling there is any solution or can cause women to feel they are not "normal" if they cannot achieve an orgasm. Many think that sex is only pleasurable if you have an orgasm, and this is not true. There are other ways of feeling good during sex through simple stimulation, and it can be just as enjoyable an experience without achieving an orgasm. Another common misconception is that all women should be able to achieve orgasm through intercourse alone to be considered "normal." On the contrary, up to 70% of women claim they cannot achieve orgasm through vaginal penetration alone, and that they require different kinds of stimulation to climax. This is perfectly normal and healthy. It is also normal and healthy to sometimes have an orgasm and sometimes not. Unless you are feeling frustrated and emotionally upset, whether you have an orgasm or not should not define your sexual experience. There is also the issue of whether men and women should always climax together. The fact of the matter is, this may happen occasionally, but it should not be a concern during intercourse. Often a man and a woman have orgasms at different times during sexual activity, and this is completely normal.
  8. Prevention/Solution

  9. For women who have difficulty achieving orgasm, there are ways of becoming more aware of their bodies and what feels good in order to be successful in climaxing with a partner. Many specialists recommend for a woman to experiment with masturbation, noting what feels good and trying to become more aware of her own anatomy. This can result in the woman being more comfortable with sexual stimulation, and also being able to achieve an orgasm with a partner. Seeking therapy is another option, especially when the woman has issues with her attitude towards sex. Talking openly about past experiences and overcoming fears can be instrumental in improving her sex life.
    Finally, if pain is present during sexual intercourse, or a woman feels her problem stems from a physical abnormality, it is best to seek the advice of a physician, preferably an OB/GYN.

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